1st July 2015

Julian Rowe-Jones on: Why do I specialise in rhinoplasty? (Video)

Top UK Rhinoplasty Surgeon, Julian Rowe-Jones on: Why do I specialise in rhinoplasty?

E.N.T. and facial plastic surgery

My higher surgical training was in E.N.T. and facial plastic surgery and I’m qualified and board certified in both of those disciplines. I was lucky enough in my higher surgical training also to work with the two leading exponents of rhinoplasties in UK and that really fired my enthusiasm. 

Why rhinoplasty

I have to say that it’s a most challenging form of surgery and I’ve always chosen things that were difficult, I want to master things that are difficult not things that are easy. It also fulfils my desire to have a creative aspect to my professional life. I like creativity but I like technology and I like that meld the two disciplines, creativity, with technical prowess and expertise and that’s really what fires my passion and enthusiasm.

Presented by Julian Rowe-Jones, Top UK Rhinoplasty Surgeon

More about Julian Rowe-Jones

Julian Rowe-Jones founded The Nose Clinic in 1998 with a clear mission to deliver world leading standards of cosmetic nose surgery (Rhinoplasty) in Guildford, and now in Harley Street, London. His aim is to provide a level of friendly and professional consultancy, advice, support and patient care that complements and enhances these standards. His expertise as a rhinoplasty surgeon is central to the success of his patients; and you can read more about his background and experience in specialising.

A Rhinoplasty Testimonial

I would firstly like to thank Mr Julian Rowe-Jones for looking after me so well. I was assaulted on a night out and ended up with a broken nose, which was painful and I couldn’t breathe through it. I came to see Julian after being recommended to him by a few of my clients, he was lovely, made me feel comfortable and I trusted him. He told me what he was going to do and I was booked in.

I had my surgery and within about two days I could already breathe better than I could before. He has changed my life,I never knew how much you take breathing for granted. I am a beauty therapist, the way I look is very important for my job and it takes a lot to trust someone but he is amazing, so thanks again.