24th June 2015

Julian Rowe-Jones on: Why is psychological screening important? (Video)

Top UK Rhinoplasty Surgeon, Julian Rowe-Jones on: Why is psychological screening  important?

Psychological outcome

There are many reasons as to why a patient may request aesthetical cosmetic rhinoplasty. The goals really are psychological quality of life improvement. We’ve therefore got to be sure that the successful results of surgery physically, will result in a successful psychological outcome.

Psychological therapy

Obviously therefore, we need to know what outcome the patient is hoping to achieve, we therefore  must utilise psychological screening, so that we can understand the patient’s psychological health and then determine whether surgery is right or wrong for them. Sometimes surgery won’t achieve what they want and it might be that psychological therapy and management is the right thing to do and I firmly believe that that’s a responsibility that I have here in the Nose Clinic. To that end we liaise and work with the centre for appearance research, which is pioneering psychological screening of  patients in aesthetic surgery in the UK.

Presented by Julian Rowe-Jones, Top UK Rhinoplasty Surgeon

More about Julian Rowe-Jones

Julian Rowe-Jones founded The Nose Clinic in 1998 with a clear mission to deliver world leading standards of cosmetic nose surgery (Rhinoplasty) in Guildford, and now in Harley Street, London. His aim is to provide a level of friendly and professional consultancy, advice, support and patient care that complements and enhances these standards. His expertise as a rhinoplasty surgeon is central to the success of his patients; and you can read more about his background and experience in specialising.

A Rhinoplasty Testimonial

I would firstly like to thank Mr Julian Rowe-Jones for looking after me so well. I was assaulted on a night out and ended up with a broken nose, which was painful and I couldn’t breathe through it. I came to see Julian after being recommended to him by a few of my clients, he was lovely, made me feel comfortable and I trusted him. He told me what he was going to do and I was booked in.

I had my surgery and within about two days I could already breathe better than I could before. He has changed my life I never knew how much you take breathing for granted. I am a beauty therapist, the way I look is very important for my job and it takes a lot to trust someone but he is amazing, so thanks again.