5th November 2014

Julian Rowe-Jones on: Why are there limitations in rhinoplasty? (Video)

Top UK Rhinoplasty Surgeon, Julian Rowe-Jones on: Why are there limitations in rhinoplasty?

The limitations

It’s frustrating but there are definitely limitations in what’s possible with a nose. The results you get is dependent on where you start. We can only change things so much. The skin has to stretch or the skin has to shrink, there’s a limit to how much that’s possible.

The reason why

It’s a very sophisticated structure with multiple pieces and all of those things have to sometimes be taken apart and put back together again, and there’s a limit to how much we can safely do that. We want the nose to work properly at the end too, so we want it to look good but it also has to work, so there are many things to take into account and there are times when it just isn’t safe to do extreme surgery to the nose.

Presented by Julian Rowe-Jones, Top UK Rhinoplasty Surgeon

More about Julian Rowe-Jones

Julian Rowe-Jones founded The Nose Clinic in 1998 with a clear mission to deliver world leading standards of cosmetic nose surgery (Rhinoplasty) in Guildford, and now in Harley Street, London. His aim is to provide a level of friendly and professional consultancy, advice, support and patient care that complements and enhances these standards. His expertise as a rhinoplasty surgeon is central to the success of his patients; and you can read more about his background and experience in specialising.

A Rhinoplasty Testimonial

Outstanding all round. The surgery has improved my breathing and addressed the cosmetic issues related to primary rhinoplasty (performed elsewhere).

Thank you very much to Julian and Emma.